Contact Us

We are here to serve you and have a wide variety of help for Guests, Owners, Activity Providers and local Merchants. You can reach us by email, fax or phone to:

RESERVATIONS HOURS: Reservations usually 8am - 7pm Mon - Sat, or longer. Usually Closed Holidays.

BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Closed Weekends & Holidays.

OFFICES, RESORTS & RESTAURANTS: May have different hours. Call them for times of operation. For late arrivals call up to 24 hours in advance.

EMERGENCIES: In case of fire or other emergencies call 9-1-1.

AFTER HOURS SERVICE: Most of our properties do not offer 24 hour service, and after-hours service is not guaranteed. However, if you have a loss of essential services such as water, power, heat or significant damage you are welcome to call our emergency operator at and follow the prompts. After hour service is for major problems only. Please call during business hours for all other requests.

NOTE: There is a charge for non-essential after hours phone calls and on-site service.

Contact Information

Vacation Rental Association, Inc.
PO Box 22987 Seattle, WA 98122-0987 USA
Websited Operated by Plumbob Publishing
Fax: 888-628-0839
Toll Free: 866-579-1355
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM PST USA